3 years ago, I was not able to wait for university life after I was accepted to enter SFC. It was sunny, and it made me get sleepy. I took a nap in my room.
The small and long wave woke me up. While I was looking at the ceiling, I thought " the wave was pretty long." Just then, the earthquake occurred. The ceiling started shaking. It was first time for me to fear for my physical safety in my life.
I was panicked. Although the sight was waving, I moved to another room to watch TV. Every TV programs reported where the earthquake center was and how large magnitude was. Well, the earthquake continued. I called my family. But the telephone communication system didn't work. That's why it was used by public administration. Fortunately, all of the family members were safe. However, some friends were in the damaged area - Tohoku region. So My friends and I used the mail, the person finder by google, and sns in order to confirm their safety. A few days later, we heard from all of them.
"3.11" was not only the natural danger: the earthquake and tsunami, but also the nuclear accident at Fukushima. I thought it startled world because Japan was(is) one of the most developed countries in Natural Science and Engineering. Even many Japanese had never thought nuclear accident happened too. However, it happened. Several investigation committees under public sector, government, TEPCO, and National Diet were established, investigated, and reported. Lessons from them are valuable.
That was a serious affair that will be in a textbook of the world history. And especially, NAIIC made 7 proposals, and concluded the cause of the accident was a Japan culture. Fot instance, the regulatory committee was not independent, and was manipulated by TEPCO. That prevented the regulation from making TEPCO deal with earthquake and tsunami. That means TEPCO had a chance to protect the plants from the natural disaster. These facts were shocking and horrible.
Nevertheless, Has Japan changed? How many people know these important information appeared in public? I cannot agree with Japan changed. How serious problems will make Japan change?
Today, all media reported what the disaster areas are and commemorated people who died and live in provisional housings by the disaster and accident. In addition, the scene of the tsunami was on many TV program. The commentators discussed what we should do from now on.
I think taking action is more important than discussion. Even if we could discuss and make ideas to solve some issues by "3.11", that's it. They would be in vain unless we take action. Three years have passed. What have we done? What will we do?