昨晩、NHK World で紹介されたのでここで共有したい。
I cannot share the information and activity with world in Japanese. And The number of access from the US to this blog is more than that from Japanese. So let me share a movie; our project appears in NHK World yesterday.
This is;
Promoting Kurokawa Report
Kurokawa report is a report by The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission. If you want to know more this commission, please access here.
After Fukushima Nuclear Accident, some investigation commission launched on Government, TEPCO, and Private sector. But a commission on Government and TEPCO is not enough because they are related to the accident. They can hide important information even if there is it. And it on Private sector had no a right of investigation under the law.
People have not totally agreed with these commissions. For they are not credible enough for us. So the independent investigation commission launched by national diet. It had the right to investigate and to make affiliates of the accident open information. I think this commission was reliable for us. And it submitted the report, known as Kurokawa report on July 5th, last year. According to Naiic, "this accident was a “manmade disaster”". If you wanna read it, you can get the executive summary of it from here.
And this report reveals Japanese Operating System is collapsed. This report tells the lesson from the accident. But few people read it. How can we promote the report for all? This was a trigger of starting this project. We are making contents to easily and briefly understand the report.
We are so glad for the project to be on NHK World. Enjoy the movie!
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