
Photo skill

English Only...

Since 2013, I have taken many many pictures. But, almost all are not people but scenery.
I'm not professional, but have fun because when I bring a camera, I can be captured by lovely or moving moment.

Like below one. This is a view from my room. While I was studying, I just have a look at the sky. Then, the beautiful sunset caught my heart and recharged my battery for the next day.

And this. I just stepped into a building of the University of Manchester, and glasses were arranged on a table. If I had been not with my camera, I would not have noticed the amazing view from between the lines of glasses. That's why I love shooting photos.

But, recently I've just started taking photos of people. The clue was to join Japanese gathering last Saturday. new Japanese students participated in to connect with each other. To make memories, as a host, I shot some pics. It was very difficult to cut a beautiful moment in the party. I thought "don't move!" again and again, haha. Improving my camera skill is a kind of next challenge for me in Manchester. Well it's not the first priority though. I know!

By the way, I don't think that building a relationship with Japanese students is negative because even after we leave this city, we could easily keep in touch and see each other. Plus, the powerful network can be succession to next generations. When we look at the long term, it will be very powerful. Well, since all Japanese students know why they are, we don't hang out with each other everyday.

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